Netball Match Results
Well done Team Endowed!
On Wednesday, Our Endowed netballers played the first league match last night against Bysingwood school. The children changed positions each quarter, moving from attack to defence and into mid court. They all played brilliantly, working together as a team, and coming away with an impressive
13-2 win. Star Player: Cecily who scored 4 goals.
On Thursday, our Endowed netballers played their 2nd league match against Boughton & Dunkirk primary school. As we have a squad of 14 players, we mixed our team for this match with some children making their debuts. Our 'new' players slotted into the team brilliantly. Some fantastic teamwork led to another impressive result. Endowed 17- Boughton 2. Thank you also to our amazingly encouraging parents & supporters.
Star Player for this match: Lily MS
Mrs Gilbert