News Round-up
News Round-up
Virtual Tour - Canterbury Cathedral
Cathedral School Days for Year 6 children have been an established part of The Endowed Calendar for many years, but in these strange times we were unable to go to Canterbury in person, so instead, we brought the experience into school. Our in-school activities included a virtual tour, a prayer pilgrimage and exploring stained glass windows.
Welcome - Mrs Stanley
We would like to say a big welcome to Mrs Stanley who has joined us this term. Mrs Stanley is a trained teacher but has joined us as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and will be working with children as part of the Government Catch up scheme.
Anti-Bullying Week: 16-20 November
Odd Socks Day
Next week is Anti-Bullying Week and on Monday 16 November it is ODD SOCK DAY.
On Monday please show and express your own uniqueness and individuality by wearing odd socks! We are not asking for donations on this occasion, just a bit of fun and to raise awareness. Please see links below for more details: