Lighthouse Keeper's Club - Breakfast & Afterschool Club
Welcome to our Lighthouse Keeper's Club
Our Lighthouse Keeper's Club is proud to be able to offer extended school provision for your child before and after normal school hours.
There are two elements to Lighthouse Keeper's Club, a Breakfast Club and After School Club. Both are held in our new Garden Room, which is located at the front of the school to the left of the main drive. Clubs are staffed by appropriately qualified members of the school team who aim to provide a balance between organised activities and relaxation times whilst maintaining adequate supervision. We aim to provide a relaxed, friendly and safe environment to children aged 7-11 term time only on days when the Endowed School is open. Please note, there will be no Lighthouse Keeper's Club on school inset days or afterschool club provision on the last day of Term 2 (Christmas), Term 4 (Easter) and Term 6 (Summer).
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am to 8.45am at a cost of £5.00 per child, per session. A light breakfast of toast, cereal, juice or milk is offered and is included in the cost. Children can play quiet games, read or work on homework. They will be taken into the playground at 8.45am.
After School Club
Our After School Club runs from 3.15pm to 6.00pm at a cost of £9.00 per child, per session. A healthy snack and drink is provided and is included in the cost. Children can enjoy organised activities, arts & craft, playing board/computer games, reading or working on homework.
To contact Lighthouse Keeper’s Club after 4.00pm, please telephone them direct on
07938 712650
Lighthouse Keeper's Club Sessions
Breakfast Club | Afterschool Club |
7.30am – 8.45am | 3.15pm - 6.00pm |
£5.00 per session | £9.00 per session |
Please note prices will be reviewed annually and any increase notified to parents before September 2023.
Please note that to book your child into the Lighthouse Keepers Club (breakfast and afterschool sessions), you are required to book 24 hours in advance of attending. If you require a booking after this time, please contact the school office. Bookings cannot be made online until parents and carers have signed and returned a completed Terms and Conditions form (above). Thank you.
Contact Lighthouse Keeper's Club
If you wish to contact a member of our Lighthouse Keeper's Club staff, please use the email below. Mrs K Haines - LIghthouse Keeper's Club Manager Mrs T Mitchell - Lighthouse Keeper's Club Deputy