Vision Ambassadors
Vision Ambassadors
Congratulations to our new Y6 'Vision Ambassadors'
These important new roles were announced at the Leaver's Service in July. We are sure they will do a wonderful job and have a very positive effect during the school day. Congratulations to: Rhys, Dahlia, Jack, Brandon, Amelie, Jared and Imogen.
Community Spirit
Some of our Vision Ambassadors decided to spread a little joy to the local community. They had created paper hearts with positive comments and thoughts on them and took to the High Street with Mrs Blinston Jones to give them out to local people. It brought a smile to the face of every person who received one and as one of the Vision Ambassadors said it also made him feel really good sharing some love and joy.
St Alphege Church Coffee Morning
This morning, Georgia, Mylo and Osckar helped out at the weekly coffee morning, serving lots of cups of tea and chatting with congregation.
Visit to Bradbury Grange
Walk for Water
One of our School Vision Ambassadors, Fran in Lacewing represented the Year 6 children at a special Breakfast Presentation for 'Walk for Water'. The organisation thanked the children who took part, raising a fantastic £6,200 for the project at a school in Kenya.
Bradbury Grange Care Home
13 December 2022
On Tuesday, our Ambassadors visited Bradbury Grange Care Home to bring Christmas cheer to the residents. They delighted the staff with their festive costumes, and were warmly greeted by all. The children gathered around the Christmas tree and sang 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas'. Max, Fran and Muntaha said prayers and readings. After, they handed all the residents homemade bookmarks, designed and created by the Endowed children. At the end, the children were very surprised as the residents asked if the children could sing 'Away in a Manger', it was a lovely request and everyone joined in.

Serving the Community
On Wednesday, our Ambassadors and Mrs Perry had an eventful day helping St Alphege Church. Maxim, Axl and Ava volunteered their services to help serve tea and coffee to the parishioners after their Wednesday morning worship.
Braving the weather after lunch, it was the turn of Fran, Isla S, Seth K and Joshua S to spread the news of St Alphege Church ‘Blessed Christmas’ events by posting flyers in the local area.
Please click on the below link to find more St Alphege Church news and information:
Governors' Presentation
24 May 2022
We were extremely proud of our Vision Ambassadors yesterday who gave a wonderful and insightful presentation to our School Governors at their monthly meeting. They introduced themselves with a video presentation by Noah Y and then proceeded to talk to the Governors about their vision, challenges they would like to meet and discussed lots of ideas of how they can involve themselves with community services. Thank you to Cleo who made some wonderful cakes for the meeting.