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Whitstable and Seasalter Endowed Church of England (Aided) Junior School

  • Love
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  • Laughter

School FLO

Rachael Parker

Family Liaison Officer

Our Family Liaison Officer Miss Parker will be here to provide pastoral support to parents or carers, and help with any issues that you may have in relation to supporting your child/children, both at home and in school. The FLO works to encourage parental involvement within school, signpost to agencies (where appropriate) and support children in school. Should you have a personal concern or school related issue, then they will always here as a listening ear.

The FLO also has access to a number of agencies who may be able to provide support to you and your family. Any query, large or small that you may require  assistance with, the FLO will be available to help.


The FLO liaises with all school staff, always in the best interests of the children and their families and works
confidentially, so if you ever need advice or support, or just a cuppa and an informal chat, the FLO will be on hand.  
You will also be able to catch the FLO in the mornings or after school in the playground.



Children's Mindfulness and Wellbeing

Please click on our special hub where you will find lots of links, information and resources to help support children


Support Services

KCC - Kent Together Helpline


The Kent Together helpline and webpage remain open for anyone in the county who is struggling during the pandemic. Any Kent resident who requires support with accessing food, or who has any other urgent needs, can call 03000 429292 or visit:

KCHFT – FREE online Solihull Parenting courses


Kent Community Health Foundation Trust (KCHFT) Health Visiting have purchased online Solihull Parenting Programmes, the 4 Courses include:

  • Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby
  • Understanding your baby aged 0-12 months
  • Understanding your child aged 0-18
  • Understanding your teenager's brain


The following link and password can be shared with families to be able to gain access.  Solihull will record the number of courses accessed and provide data to KCHFT. Go to: apply the access code: Invicta and register for an account.


Medical Advice

What if my child has a cough or cold?


The cold & flu season has arrived and there seems to be understandably some confusion as to when you should or shouldn’t send your children into school.


If your child is displaying symptoms such as a cough (NOT CONTINUOUS)  and a cold they can still attend school.


If the cold becomes very heavy please keep them off for 2 – 3 days or until they are well enough to return.  If however any member of your household  displays any of the main three symptoms of Coronavirus listed below


● a high temperature

a new continuous cough

 a loss or change to sense of smell or taste,


A test must be booked and  your house hold self-isolate for fourteen days or until a negative result is received. Then your child(ren)may return to school.


If your child(ren) displays any of the above coronavirus symptoms whilst at school you will be contacted and asked to collect them straight away along with any siblings.


To order a home test kit or book an appointment at a test site please go to the link below, additionally you can contact 119.

Protecting you and your children during the hot weather


Thread Worms


For further information please visit the NHS website using this link

If your child is infected then please visit your local chemist for advice and treatment, you do not need to see your GP. Your child does not need to have time off of school but treatment does need to be started immediately.

Please note that Threadworm is contagious and if a family member does have them then the whole family needs to be treated even if you are not showing symptoms.




Please click on the below link for School Attendance information

Helpful Web Sites