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Whitstable and Seasalter Endowed Church of England (Aided) Junior School

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House Team Events, Gallery & News

New Endowed House Teams

Pupils are organised into four houses, each named after the brightest stars in the solar system: Sirius, Capella, Arcturus and Rigel


The house system is a vital and successful part of our school pastoral system and encompasses our school values and ethos.



House Captains

From each house, pupils elect two Y6 House Captains, whose responsibilities range from organising sport matches to supporting and encouraging children. Congratulations to our 6 House Captains.




Inter-House Competitions

To build healthy competition and team spirit amongst our pupils we have introduced new and exciting inter-house competitions that will take place throughout the year. To maximise children's potential and opportunities, each term we will be organising fun and creative competitions which will incorporate all the elements of the curriculum; Photography, Art, Music, Dancing, Computering, Literature, Maths Quizzes and lots more.


Inter-house competition events will give the pupils the opportunity to win points for their house. At the end of the Summer Term the house with the most points will be awarded the 'Inter-House Trophy'.


Sports Day

Sports Day is the grand finale of house competitions. It is the last event of the year, taking place in Term 6. The whole school comes together and celebrates the sporting success of each house. As well as the usual track events we will be introducing a variety of field events. Sports Day is a fantastic way to round off the year of house events and for proud parents/carers to enjoy an afternoon of sporting fun. At the end of the day the house with the most points will be awarded the ‘House Sports Trophy’.

House Competitions

LEGO Endowed Go to Mars Competition - Fri 27 Nov won by Auld

Kahoots! World Book Day Competition - Fri 6 March won by Turner

Tomato Plant Challenge - winners Turner House

Sports Day! Congratulations to Auld House over all winners

Rock Star Times Table Competition - Friday 1 March won by Cliff

Kahoots! World Book Day Competition - Thur 7 March won by Turner

Mini Hockey Tournament - Mon 18 March won by Denner

Photography Nature competition - Won by Cliff

Mini Football Tournament - Friday 25 March - won by Denner

Mini Rugby Tournament -  Mon 3 April - Won by Blakeney 
