Art Week Photo Gallery
Art Week
To view pictures of our amazing week, please click the below link
‘Awe and Wonder of our Natural World’ has been the theme of our Art week this week. Each year group have been delving into the wonders of our world under each of the four elements; Year 3 Earth, Year 4 Water, Year 5 Fire and Year 6 Air. Creativity through Art, Science, Music and Drama has been explored. The children have experienced visits from a local artist, Wonderdome, photographer and a parent sharing poetry. Please come and see some amazing highlights of our Art week on our ‘Fun Day’ afternoon on 28th June in the form of an exhibition in the school hall.
Thank you to Jayne Hughes (Jasmine in Year 5’s Nan) and Julie Lliffe (Frannie in Year 6’s Mum) for volunteering to lead fantastic workshops for our children; and for the staff for planning such fabulous lessons this week.