Kent Test 2024, SATs Exams and Assessment Results
Kent Test Information for 2024 / 2025
Please find below Kent Test Information explaining the Kent Test process. This information has been adapted for our school from the local schools CACot group (Not yet Available).
Registration for the Kent Test for children due to start secondary school in September 2025 will open on Monday 3 June 2024 and close at midnight on Monday 1 July 2024. We cannot accept late registrations.
Key Stage 2 Results
Statutory tests (SATs) are taken by Year 6 children in May each year. These test results are published annually by the Department for Education and are used by Ofsted to inform judgements about schools. As these tests are statutory, the results have to be published to parents. The documents below show our school results from 2014 to the current date and also in comparison to where we are against other local schools (Canterbury District) and nationally.
Results for SAT Tests July 2023
81% at the expected standard : 46% at greater depth
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
84% at the expected standard : 44% at greater depth
85% at the expected standard : 31% at greater depth
National figures show that our children have achieved above the National Average scores which are:
Reading 74%
GPS 72%
Maths 71%
Results for SAT Tests July 2022
87.5% at the expected standard : 41.6% at greater depth
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
87.5% at the expected standard : 25% at greater depth
79% at the expected standard : 12.5% at greater depth
National figures show that our children have achieved above the National Average scores which are:
Reading 74%
GPS 72%
Maths 71%