Statutory policies and documents as required by the Department of Education
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- Policies
- Statutory policies and documents as required by the Department of Education
- accessibility-policy-2024-2027.pdf
- Behaviour Principles Written Statement.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf
- child-protection-policy-23-24.pdf
- Complaints Policy.pdf
- Complaints Form.pdf
- Data Protection and GDPR Policy 2024.pdf
- ECT Policy.pdf
- Governor's Allowances Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy 2023.pdf
- Privacy Notice Pupils 2024-2025.pdf
- Privacy Notice Staff 2024-2025.pdf
- Relationships Health and Sex Education- (RHSE) Policy.pdf
- Relationships Policy (Behaviour).pdf
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy.pdf
- SEN Disability Policy 2023.pdf
- Supporing Pupils with Medical Conditions.pdf
- Looking after Children with Diabetes.pdf
- Guidance on the user of Salbutamol Inhalers in Schools.pdf
- Guidance for Annual Review of an EHCP.pdf