Congratulations to our new Agents of Change
Agents of Change
Congratulations to our new Agents of Change
Our 'Agents of Change' are two children from each class, elected by the pupils, to represent them and discuss issues, bring ideas and solutions to make the world we live in a better place for everyone.
We are sure they will do a fantastic job.
Food Bank Bins
You may have noticed our new yellow Food bank bin on the decking, which is one of the first jobs our Agents of Change are overseeing. If or when you are able to donate something it would be gratefully received. Canterbury Food bank are asking for particular items at the moment, these are; tinned potatoes, instant mash,
cuppa soups, long life milk, long life juice, canned ham, tinned fish, instant coffee, rice pudding, beans, soup, nappies sizes 5, 5+, 6, 6+. All toiletries, cleaning sprays and washing up liquid.