Festive Fun!
Festive Fun!
Festive Lunch and Christmas Jumper
Instead of our normal whole school Christmas Dinner, where we all get together in the school hall, we have arranged to do Festive Lunch Packs instead so we do not mix class bubbles within school due to the pandemic. Your child may also, if they wish, wear their Christmas Jumper to school on Friday 11th December in aid of Save The Children in return for a voluntary contribution of £1.00 which can be paid via the School Gateway. Please note for Lowers School: Mr. Hadlow has asked me to let you know that the children in Years 3 and 4 will wear their nativity costumes to school on Friday 11th December and that they may wear their Christmas Jumpers on Friday 18th December so that they do not miss out.
For more details, please click on the below Letter Link
PTFA - Christmas Craft
Our wonderful PTFA have arranged to supply Christmas Crafts for every child to be able to make something in class instead of our Traditional Christmas Shopping event which sadly cannot take place this year.
We would be extremely grateful if you could please make a voluntary contribution of £3 towards this, paid via the School Gateway.
We have also purchased a Christmas Gift for all the children.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Kind regards,
Cheryl, PTFA Chair