News Round-Up
News Round-Up
The Duchess of Cambridge's assembly
Did you watch the online assembly for the Oak National Academy, led by the Duchess of Cambridge this morning? See below Pine Marten class Year 6 children in school watching it together. A recording for the assembly is available to view on the Oak National Academy website;
Dear God, Please help all of us to be kind to one another. Please provide us with strength to show kindness to our neighbours, families and friends during this difficult time. As Jesus showed us, one act of kindness each day can help uplift our spirits. Amen
Important Parent Letters
Please click of the below link to read letters sent out to families this week from Mrs Butcher (Return to School), Mr Hadlow (Virtual Sports Days) and Mr Leone (Y6 Leavers Service) and CV-19 Use of Public Transport.
Headteacher Challenge!
How many things can you fit into a matchbox? Click on the below link for this weeks Headteacher Challenge.
Handmade with Love
If you would like to give something to your Dad, Grandad, brother or anyone you love this Sunday, Mrs Gower has found some lovely Father’s Day recipes on this website .
This weeks Newsletter
The latest school newsletter is bursting with creative ideas (Headteacher Challenge, Creative Writing, Medieval Castle Competition) as well as news and information of what has been happening this week at school.