News Round-up! News, Updates and Photographs
News Round-up!
Lots of exciting news, updates and photographs!
Charity News
World Refugee and Ukraine Charities
We raised over £300 for these amazing charities - thank you for all your cakes and donations.
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We wanted to give a special thank you to Muntaha and Macey in Flamingo Class who last week organised a ’pop up’ shop to raise funds for Ukraine. They brought sweets to sell, made pom-poms and sold colouring sheets too. Well done girls!
Teenage Cancer Trust
Thank you for all your donations towards the Teenage Cancer Trust for non-unifrom day today. Your raised £217 for this worthy charity that has supported one of our ex-pupils Miles Stockwell, who is also the sun of one of our ex teachers Miss Luckhurst. Please click on the below link to read Mile's story
Let Your Light Shine
Well done to our School Ambassadors who did some community work this week,
helping with the flower arranging for the displays at St Alphege Church.
Rhys Kick Boxing
Well done to Rhys in Kiwi Class who has been awarded the grade of Blue and White belt in Kick Boxing! Well done Rhys, that’s fantastic!
'The Fart that Changed the World'
We were delighted to welcome illustrator Anita Mangan to school on Thursday, she did a fantastic interactive drawing session with the upper school children and they watched a video of her brother the actor and author Stephen Mangan read an ex-tract from their new book together ‘The Fart that Changed the World’ .
Please contact us if you would like a signed copy of her new book. These are £7 (cash only), please contact Mrs Blinston-Jones for further information.
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Newsletter and Facebook
Please click on the below link to read all our other weekly news and information, and if you would like to join our private (current parents and staff) Facebook page where you will receive news hot off the press and reminders please contact hking@whitstable-endowed.kent.sch to join.