This weeks News Round-up
Heroes Stamp Design Competition
We are very excited to be taking part in the Royal Mail HEROS STAMP DESIGN COMPETITION to honour the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic. Children have told about this in class and we will be sending entries off from school.
For information please click the Parent_Letters tab of go to the below Royal Mail Website
School Uniform
Price & Buckland have launched a new website where you can order school uniform. Please follow the link below for further information
Please note that all children should be back in regular school uniform, shoes and PE kit now. Trainers are not to be worn instead of school shoes unless it is your child's PE day. If you have any issues regarding school uniform, do please contact us in confidence.
Litter Hero
A huge well done to Ruben in Dahlia , who raised an amazing £300 from his litter picking challenge; an example to us all. He even had an article in the Whitstable
Gazette! The funds raised will to to Plastic free Whitstable and Natural Whitstable.
Pesky Little Crawlies
Please can we ask that all children whose hair is longer than shoulder length is tied back for school. This is to help prevent the spread of head lice. If your child appears to have a case of head lice please treat them with the appropriate lotions which you can buy over the counter at any pharmacy. Please click on the below link for advice, tips and facts.
Endowed Newsletter
For this weeks 'Endowed Newsletter' containing lots more information, news and dates for the dairy, please click on the below link: