Weekly News Round-up
Team 6
Team 6 are in school this week - Mrs Butcher, Mr Bellingham with Mr Hadlow and Mr Baker alternating days. They've been busy this week with the children and have made these lovely posters for the NHS, learning about India, creating animal mosaics, clay ruins of ancient civilisations of South America as well as PE games and creating a Happy 100th Birthday video for Captain Tom Moore.
Headteacher: Keeping in Touch
Please see the Headteacher 'Keeping in Touch' page on the website for a letter to the children from Mrs Butcher. She has been busy at school and at home, doing PE with Joe Wicks every day, going for runs and her cat Bessie has been trying to help her finish a jigsaw!
There is also news of a heart art project that she would love you all to get involved in. Please follow the link to read the full message, see photos, read an extract from our School Log Book 1918 and to find out more...
Thank you!
A big thank you to Riverside Church in Whitstable for their very kind gift for the staff in school. What a lovely thing to do and very much appreciated.
Thank you also to one of our kind parents for the delivery of cupcakes that gave staff a treat on Tuesday.
Endowed Facebook
Our Endowed Facebook page is a private account set up for parents of pupils at the Endowed; keeping you informed with children's news, developments, activities and community events. If you are a parent of the school and would like to join as a member please follow the group link to join
Check out this weeks 'Endowed Newsletter' for lots more news and information: