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Whitstable and Seasalter Endowed Church of England (Aided) Junior School

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What if my child has a cough or cold?

What if my child has a cough or cold?

The cold & flu season has arrived and there seems to be understandably some confusion as to when you should or shouldn’t send your children into school.


If your child is displaying symptoms such as a cough (NOT CONTINUOUS)  and a cold they can still attend school.


If the cold becomes very heavy please keep them off for 2 – 3 days or until they are well enough to return.  If however any member of your household  displays any of the main three symptoms of Coronavirus listed below


a high temperature

a new continuous cough

a loss or change to sense of smell or taste,


A test must be booked and  your house hold self-isolate for fourteen days or until a negative result is received. Then your child(ren)may return to school.


If your child(ren) displays any of the above coronavirus symptoms whilst at school you will be contacted and asked to collect them straight away along with any siblings.


To order a home test kit or book an appointment at a test site please go to the link below, additionally you can contact 119.


Rachael Gower, FLO
