Y6 Leavers, hoodies, brunch and goodbyes
Year 6 & bubble class Photos
The time has come for our Year 6 children to also say goodbye as they move on to the next stage in their lives and Secondary School. Every Year 6 child has been given a bible, as is tradition, and congratulations to the following Year 6 children for these awards.
The Val Waghorn Award was given to MARIA this year for her amazing progression in reading.
The Avril Efford Award was given to JAMES and JOANNE for so effortlessly showing the ethos and values of the school.
Headteacher Award Each Year Ms Butcher awards one of our year 6 a Headteacher’s Award. This year has been so extraordinary she decided they all deserved to be the recipients. We will hopefully be able to hold a party for you all when we can.
Goodbye Miss Luckhurst & Mrs Green
We are very sadly saying goodbye to two members of staff today. Miss Luckhurst is leaving us after 15 years teaching at The Endowed and Mrs Green who has been with us as a TA since November 2018. Good luck to both of you and wish you lots of luck in the future, we are going to miss you both.
New Vision Ambassadors
Congratulations to ROSIE and WILL who have been chosen as our new Vision Ambassadors. We are sure they are going to do a wonderful job next year. We are sad we were not able to announce this in the traditional way at the Church in the Leaver’s service but we hope you are both pleased.